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Professor of Teaching Methodology in the University of Athens  
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  1. An Analysis of Modern Greek Educational Thought: 1925-1975, University of Connecticut, Storrs, U.S.A 1977, (Doctoral Thesis)
  1. Modern Educational Thought in Greece and Turkey: 1930 – 1980, The Isaac World Educational Center, U.S.A. 1985 (collaboration with F.A. Stone).
  1. Modern Greek Education, Phoebus Publications, Athens 1987.
  1. Approach to the Teaching Method with Students’ Teams, Athens 1988.
  1. Methodology of Teaching I and II, Athens, 1991, 1992. Republished with additions and amendments entitled: Methodology of Modern Teaching, volume A and B, Athens 2003.
  1. Motivation or How the student develops the will for Learning, Athens 1993.
  1. Teachers’ Perception on Student’s Encouragement during the Teaching Procedure (research), Symmetria Publications, Athens 1993.
  1. Critical Thought and its Teaching, Athens 1997.
  1. Context of Assessing School Text-Books, Pedagogic Institute, Athens, 1999 (supervision).
  1. The Student’s Motivation for Learning, Athens 2002.