The student’s motivation for learning constitutes a persuasive answer to the frequent phenomenon of low achievement and the lack of interest and devotion to the courses of many students. Why do a large number of students present unsatisfactory achievement at school or why do they show serious indifference in the school courses, while they are regular students, who do not present any physical, mental and sentimental problems and disorders?
The answer to the question above is far from easy. There is no doubt that the State with its applying educational policy, as well as the parents’ attitude towards the effort that the children are making for learning have an important share of responsibility for this image of indifference. But the teachers as well, are held responsible for such phenomena. When they teach a lesson, which lacks method, which is monotonous and typical without any sense of enthusiasm and warmth, without soul and vision, it is only natural to cause boredom and dullness to the students, to cause them to be inert and force them pursue an outlet through activities that are not consistent to those of the learning process.
So the strategy of the motivation for learning is connected with the cultivation of internal motives to the student as a result of suitable actions, attitudes and behaviors of the teacher, which contribute so as the student is voluntarily and actively involved with the school courses and progresses satisfactorily. Every teacher nowadays, ought to study, examine thoroughly and implement the motivational strategy to the teaching process on a daily basis.Within the bounds set above, the author of the particular work analyses the concept and the importance of the student’s motivation for learning. Furthermore, he determines the types of motivation placing particular emphasis on the elements that constitute the internal motivation. There is also, thorough reference to theories that attempt to explicate the phenomenon of motivation to the people and finally, the author analytically presents teacher’s approaches, attitudes, behaviors and teaching techniques which inspire student’s external and internal motivation for learning, which immensely contributes to his formation of positive attitude towards the school and the learning.